Office of the Registrar

Reserving Large (100+) Classroom Spaces

In order to facilitate academic programming outside of Brown’s actual course offerings as well as to showcase Brown classroom facilities for such events as well as to provide ample time for external marketing for sponsors, the Office of the Provost has approved the following procedures effective with the Spring semester of 2019 for spaces that have a capacity over 100 seats during weekdays.

Weekday Evenings during the Academic Year

  • Sponsors should avoid planning large weekday evening events that require large rooms that seat 100+ during the following moratorium periods until after the actual semester begins:
    • Fall Semester - The first full two and half weeks in October and the third full week of November
    • Spring Semester - The third full week of March and First two full weeks of April
    • *Finals period remains an overall moratorium period and not subject to the below.
    • During the above moratorium periods all large (100+ capacity spaces) will be set aside for large multi-section courses that traditionally hold common in-semester exams. While course instructors/departments can make requests outside these set periods in advance the likelihood of securing such spaces may be reduced.
  • Outside of the moratorium periods, Requests to book events in large spaces (100+) after 4:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays (T hour) and 4 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays (K Hour) in advance of the semester will be confirmed if the space is available. However, requesting early set up in the desired space or reserving adjacent rooms/lobby areas may not be accommodated as some courses may be ending just prior to event in desired spaces and/or discussion sections may be in session the adjacent spaces depending on the building.
  • Instructors/departments must submit their requests for large rooms held during the moratorium period for the purpose of in-semester evening exams prior to the first day of classes.
  • Once the first day of classes has passed, University Scheduling will release the large spaces held in reserve during the moratorium periods stated and make available for requests on a first come first served basis.
  • Requests during traditional daytime instructional meeting pattern times will still be subject to the practice of holding off confirmation until the first two weeks of classes have ended due to the large utilization of space and the need to move courses based on final enrollments.

Large Departmental Spaces

Requestors may also inquire with large departmental space providers (Watson Institute, School of Engineering, Pembroke Center, Biomed, Creative Arts Council, etc.) at any time to see if they can accommodate these types of requests if space is not available during any of the periods specified.

Rev 10/1/2018