All students at Brown are expected to pursue a high level of performance in their writing. Students who, in the opinion of their instructors, fail to maintain an appropriate level of competence in writing, are referred to an agent of the Dean of the College to develop a plan for improving their writing abilities. This can include placement in a designated writing course. If students do not complete such a course satisfactorily or are subsequently judged by the Dean to be incompetent in writing, they will be refused registration by the Committee on Academic Standing until they meet the responsibilities for the completion of the writing requirement and/or not receive their degree.
Office of the Registrar
The Writing Requirement
The Writing Requirement
Further information on the Writing Requirement and the mechanics of implementation/satisfaction of the requirement is on The College Website.
Additional Requirements
The Quantity Requirement. Each student is normally expected to enroll in four courses in each of eight semesters for a total of 32 courses.
The Concentration is the focal point for a student's undergraduate educational experience.
Every candidate for a baccalaureate degree, except those enrolled in the Resumed Education Program, must be enrolled for at least four semesters as a full-time student and must complete satisfactorily a minimum of fifteen courses at Brown.
Prior to the awarding of a baccalaureate degree, each candidate normally must have accumulated credit for the payment of a minimum of eight semesters of tuition or the equivalent.