- Tuition rates are set by the Corporation of the University for each semester. Normally, the tuition rates for the two semesters of a given academic year will be the same.
- Tuition payments for the baccalaureate degree are based on the norm of thirty-two courses, four courses in each of eight semesters. The minimum tuition requirement is eight semesters, or the equivalent. This eight-semester tuition requirement is separate from and in addition to any other degree requirements. The minimum tuition requirement for the program leading to the combined degree of A.B.-Sc.B. or the Brown-RISD Dual Degree Program is ten semesters of tuition credit. (Note: The Brown Corporation has enacted a provision allowing students in the five-year A.B.-Sc.B. program who complete all academic requirements in nine semesters to terminate their studies at that point, provided the Committee on Academic Standing (CAS) approves the breadth and quality of the student's program. In that case, the tuition requirement will be reduced to nine semesters. This provision is subject to review by the Academic Council.)
- Payment of full-time tuition for a semester entitles the student to enroll in three, four, or five courses for that semester. For full-time degree candidates, tuition charges are set for the semester, not per course.
- a. Students who are granted Advanced Placement credits (A.P.) and/or transfer credit for work completed at another college or university prior to enrollment at Brown may apply for and may be granted advanced standing and tuition credit. (*Not applicable for Brown-RISD Dual Degree candidates)
b. Students who are granted Brown course credits by the Committee on Academic Standing for equivalent work completed at and transferred from another college or university after enrollment at Brown may apply for and may be granted advanced standing and tuition credit according to the schedule in the table below, except as provided for in Section 4(d). For the purposes of these regulations, transfer credit for work completed prior to enrollment will be treated separately from transfer credit for work completed after enrollment. (*Not applicable for Brown-RISD Dual Degree candidates)Brown Semester Course Credits Advanced Standing & Tuition Credits 3-6 1 semester 7-10 2 semesters 11-14 3 semesters 15+ 4 semesters
In exceptional cases the Committee on Academic Standing may allow a student to transfer the equivalent of one or two Brown semester course credits for work completed during the regular academic year (for summer school courses, see (d) below). Tuition credit will be granted for each such course at the rate of one quarter of a full-semester credit subject to the following conditions:
b. 1. Such courses completed while the student is not currently enrolled at Brown will become part of the cumulative total of all transfer credits earned by the student and the Table in (b) above will apply.
b. 2. If the courses are completed as part of a dual registration arrangement (e.g., a student who is permitted to carry a less-than-normal load of courses at Brown and to pay an appropriate reduced amount of tuition in order to pursue concurrently certain specialized courses at another institution), tuition credit for such courses will be independent of any other cumulative total of transfer credits earned by the student.
c. Once advanced standing has been granted, a student wishing to extend his or her total period of enrollment beyond eight full-time semesters, or the equivalent, must apply to do so and must declare the number of courses for which he or she will register by December 1 for the spring semester and by June 1 for the fall semester. In such cases tuition for each course (for the extended period) will be charged at the rate of one quarter of the full-time semester rate.
d. Summer study at Brown and Transfer credit for summer school courses is allowed in accordance with provisions established by the Faculty Rules and the Committee on Academic Standing. When such credit is awarded, no enrollment/tuition credit is associated with summer work. In the case of summer transfer work the academic credit awarded may not be combined in any cumulative total of transfer credits for the purpose of tuition credit. - An eighth-semester student who owes less than a full-semester tuition credit at the beginning of the eighth semester will be charged the fraction of the full-time tuition charge for that semester which will complete the eight-semester obligation and may take an equivalent number of courses. Additional courses will be charged at the rate of one quarter of the semester's full tuition charge.
- Regular degree candidate students who must or choose to take courses in semesters beyond the eighth semester in order to complete requirements for the baccalaureate degree will be charged tuition at the rate of one quarter of the semester's full tuition charge for each course enrollment.
- Degree candidate students who are given permission by the dean to register for "courseload reduction" (one, two, or three courses) will be charged one quarter of the semester's full-tuition charge for each course enrollment.
- Students in the eight-year program leading to a baccalaureate degree and the M.D. degree (Program in Liberal Medical Education) shall make four annual tuition payments at the rate fixed for the College (for years one through four) and four annual tuition payments at the rate fixed for the Alpert Medical School (for years five through eight).
- The above regulations cover students who are candidates for a baccalaureate degree. For special students who are not candidates for a degree, a tuition charge of one quarter of the semester tuition rate will be made for each course taken.
Office of the Registrar
Tuition/Enrollment Requirement
Additional Requirements
The Quantity Requirement. Each student is normally expected to enroll in four courses in each of eight semesters for a total of 32 courses.
Since its founding, Brown has stressed the importance of writing. Competence in reading and writing is required for all degrees. Beyond competence, Brown seeks to develop the quality of writing in courses throughout the University.
The Concentration is the focal point for a student's undergraduate educational experience.
Every candidate for a baccalaureate degree, except those enrolled in the Resumed Education Program, must be enrolled for at least four semesters as a full-time student and must complete satisfactorily a minimum of fifteen courses at Brown.