The Concentration is an in-depth study centering on the unit provided by a discipline or disciplines, a problem or a theme, or a broad question. Study in depth aids intellectual development by encouraging conceptual and methodological learning on a sophisticated level. Study in depth also allows students to gain a command of an area of knowledge sufficient to enable them to engage in meaningful creative efforts in that area. The unity of the subject area encourages the ability to utilize concepts and methods in a coherent manner.
- In a concentration students, will be undertaking an extensive inquiry into an area which is personally significant. They will be forced to integrate the large amounts of material with their personal experience. The very nature of a long and painstaking inquiry will aid students in assessing their capabilities and limitations.
- The Concentration should be undertaken in ways which will maximize students' contact with individual professors who will guide them and work with them, and with their fellow students who are working in related areas.
- The Concentration may coincide in some ways with specific prerequisite training for professional goals, but professional training is not the central aspect of the concentration process. Concentration is designed to carry out the processes of intellectual and personal development which are at the center of the undergraduate educational experience.