Terminal Masters Tuition Requirements
One-Year Masters Programs
Students in one-year master’s programs (including those that begin in Summer term) are charged for the total number of units required by the program in one academic year and are expected to complete the program in one academic year. Enrollment time status is classified based on the number of Brown course credits a student is enrolled in and units charged in relation to those credits on the following schedule:
- 3 or more course credits & units = Full Time
- 2 course credits & units = Half Time
- 1 course credit & unit = Less than Half Time
Summer Term
In Summer term 1-2 course credits & units, depending on program, is considered Full Time.
Multi-Year Master’s Programs
By default, students in programs that span more than one year are charged a tuition rate of 2 units per semester and are therefore expected to complete 2 Brown course Credits per semester. Students in these programs are classified as full time by being enrolled and charged for the equivalent of 2 Brown course credits per semester. In cases where an approved program structure requires more than 2 courses per semester, students will be charged tuition accordingly; students who deviate from that structure will default to having 2 courses considered full time.
Students who Need to Complete Only one Course in Their Final Semester
Regardless of program structure, students who need to complete only one course in their final semester may contact the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in the Graduate School to petition to have their tuition rate lowered; but their enrollment status (full time, half time, less than half time) will be adjusted accordingly. For students in one-year programs, one course is less than half time; for student in multi-year programs, it is half time. Students with loans should contact Financial Aid to confirm whether changes to their enrollment status will result in changes to their loan repayment requirements. In order to ensure compliance with visa requirements, international students should contact OISSS before submitting requests to lower the tuition rate.
Additional Courses
Terminal master’s students who have a legitimate academic reason for enrolling in more courses than their program requires may do so only before they have completed all of the requirements for the program and must pay for those additional courses above those being charged for the actual program. Students may not extend their enrollment in the program after they have satisfied the program's structure and enrollment requirements.
Extending Enrollment
Master’s students who have exhausted the duration of the stated program structure yet have not completed their program’s course requirements may, with the approval of the student’s advisor, the DGS, and the Graduate School, extend their enrollment. Such extensions are allowable for no more than 2 semesters beyond the stated program length. Students who are granted such extensions will be classified as half time for 1 course credit or full time if registered for 2 or more courses.