The course schedule for fall 2025 is available on the Courses@Brown site. Please use Courses@Brown to register for your courses.
Notice to Continuing Residential Graduate Students (including PRIME and Cybersecurity) Regarding Pre-Registration for Fall 2025
This notice contains important information that you will need in order to pre-register for the fall 2025 semester.
Pre-registration is mandatory for all graduate students continuing in the fall 2025 semester as it allows us to properly report student status to various third parties, including government agencies, as well as set proper tuition charges, adjust for space, etc. Check with your DGS or department to review which courses you should register for. Ph.D. students who have fulfilled all course requirements should, at minimum, register for the Thesis Prep (2990) course or directed reading/research in your department.
Prior to pre-registration, students should check Courses@Brown to see if they have financial or other holds that would block them from registering.
Pre-registration for the fall 2025 term for all residential Graduate students (including Cybersecurity and PRIME) will begin on Tuesday, April 15th at 12 p.m. EDT and will remain open until Tuesday, April 22nd at 5 p.m. EDT.
Please be advised that you should log in to C@B at least 5 minutes before the system opens up for your time slot and once you submit registration not refresh your browser and allow the system to process your transactions in the queue
Independent Study/Research
Please note that students who are engaging in independent study or research credits must register via Courses@Brown along with their other courses. Please make sure to click the “Include Independent Study and Research Courses” box when doing a search for your faculty and note that requests for overrides should be made directly via Courses@Brown as well unless instructed otherwise in the description or class notes. Students with registration related questions should contact the Registrar's Office at 401-863-2500 or
Registration Restrictions and Instructor Overrides
Courses with restrictions (pre-reqs, program restriction, instructor override required, etc.) will allow enrollment only to students who meet the restriction parameters. Courses with limited enrollment will allow registrations only until that limit has been reached. Students may not register for multiple courses meeting at the same time during pre-registration and instructors cannot override this.
If you wish to register for a course for which instructor permission is required or for which there is a registration restriction, you will not be permitted to do so unless and until the instructor has approved an override. Some instructors have specific means for granting overrides and those should be detailed in the course description or course details in Courses@Brown. If no specific instructions exist, then you need to request an override, you can make the request directly through Courses@Brown when you add the course to your cart. Be aware that an approved override does not itself register you for the course, however, you will be able to register after the override has been approved.
Please Note: The University considers it a violation of its policy concerning the acceptable use of technical resources to create or utilize an automated solution to attempt to register for courses in Banner. The use of such automated tools gives the user an unfair advantage over other students and increases the possibility of system degradation or failure. Students who are found to have used such an application will lose their ability to register online for the rest of the semester in question.
Need Help?
If you have a registration or course related question, contact the Banner Registration Hotline at 401-863-2300 or email For technical questions, contact the OIT Help Desk at 401-863-4357 or email Assistance will be available to students between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.